
Bespoke Process

Our master tailors will take your measurements meticulously and pay attention to every feature of your body, such as your posture, shoulder width and arm length. They will then make your personal paper pattern according to these measurements.

You can rest assured that your tailor has the expertise, experience and skills to make the best bespoke suit for you. Once the cutting is done, the tailor will inspect the pattern and make sure that every single detail is perfect before assembling the parts for the first fitting.

All necessary adjustments will be marked during the first fitting, and the suit will be taken apart, ironed and re-cut to achieve the best fit and desired look. Once the patternmaker is happy with the design, the sewer will then prepare the suit for the second fitting. Your tailor will examine the silhouette closely and canvas the suit by hand before the next fitting.

During the second fitting, alterations made after the first fitting will be checked and refined if needed.